Support site
We are active in Alfawab Group with the help of years of experience in the field of website design, providing design services, redesigning, site optimization and SEO, WordPress site maintenance and support to our dear customers.
Making changes in the coding of web pages and adding new features to the site is considered as WordPress site maintenance and support services, and it is possible to determine the quality of the final work by reviewing and considering the samples of design and support work. A better decision was made on this matter. We emphasize that you must entrust the support of your WordPress site to our experienced and specialized experts and don’t worry about it anymore.
The importance of support
At Alphabet, we believe that a product without support has no value. Imagine that someone offers a product that does not need a performance guarantee and does little work in its development and manufacturing. Most importantly in the field of software and site, a site consists of thousands or even millions of lines and hours of detailed analysis, every site support expert needs professional software to solve the problem of a site that codes and structure understand it and be able to solve the problem of the site. So, we need time to know the codes of a site for support, so as not to face low action speed and unfavorable response.
Site support and site maintenance requires specialized knowledge and experience and is not something that can be done by non-professionals. On the other hand, it requires a quick reaction. The people who are responsible for maintaining the site can detect problems quickly with the help of tools and prevent them even before they occur, so that less time is spent on the site being inactive and less time is spent on solving the problems.
Today, the correct and fast performance of a site is considered an important factor for SEO and user experience and popularity of a site. So, the inappropriate performance of your site creates a negative image of a business in the eyes of users.
Therefore, your site must always be healthy and if a problem occurs, it must be fixed immediately, otherwise it will cause costs for the business and SEO of the site. There are different types of WordPress site support, here are some of them:
Corporate WordPress site support:
This type of WordPress site support includes updating, fixing technical problems of the site, inserting content and related follow-ups. Due to the different businesses of the companies, your need for the support of your WordPress site may also be different. Of course, it is possible that some of your WordPress site support services, such as site design, can be done for free. The need of companies is mainly in the field of updating and posting content about experts.WordPress shop site support:
The support of these types of sites is divided into different sections such as technical support, product management, etc.supporting a WordPress magazine site or the same content:
In this type of support, you must observe the following: These sites basically need a strong team in the field of content production. The first step in supporting these sites is to produce continuous content that will help you a lot. Since these sites have high traffic, you need a strong hosting.Personal WordPress site support:
In this site model, they need detailed planning in content and updates. Basically, the support of these types of sites costs less than other sites such as online stores, companies, etc. To promote your business, try to have content about the news of the day. Always prioritize the audience’s taste for content creation.Site support duties
Site supporters have various duties, including:
- Analyzing problems and solving them
- Making changes related to modifying the site from a technical point of view
- Updating and adding and deleting information such as user accounts, password correctness, etc.
- Answering users' questions and problems and helping them
- Set up site security
- Content support and site SEO
- Optimizing the site and adjusting its performance
If we want to examine the website support tasks in more detail, we will divide them into four categories:
- Technical support of the site: Technical support of the site is one of the most important parts of the site support, which can be entrusted to the site admin. It includes a technical and security update of the site as well as a review of the site’s performance.
- Content support of the site: as we said, the most important part in this case is the continuous and strong content production as well as the updating of this content.
- Site design and graphic support: Site graphics is another part where you need support. This section contains banners related to your work, which should be updated regularly.
- SEO Site Support: Support in this section includes preparing a list of keywords in your field of work for content creation, planning for the site to rise, etc.
What does WordPress site support include?
After the development of a site by designers and its delivery to the customer, the support phase of a site begins. Therefore, site support will not include design and changes in the site, but support means ensuring the proper functioning of the site.
Of course, website support can be defined in another way, that is, other tasks can be added to the tasks of the website support company, such as adding and editing content, maintaining SEO, and even changing the design, etc. In this case, the meaning of supporting the site changes. But what is conventionally considered to support a site is the performance of the site.
The site supporter is obliged to guarantee the performance of the site and in the event of a problem, investigate and fix the problem in the shortest possible time. The duties of a backup are to carry out important updates, perform security in certain cases, maintain the host, detect and fight against hacker attacks.
It is often seen that web owners consider site design or SEO maintenance as part of WordPress site support. If each of these parts of the site requires different attention and contract and does not fall under the definition of WordPress site support.
What are the risks for the site without support?
As I said, support is a kind of guarantee of the quality of site production from the designer company. But without support, what risks threatens a site. Perhaps the most important thing is making updates at the right time.
Although a content management system like WordPress, with its easy user interface, always gives the site administrator the necessary warning to update the plugins and even the new version of the content management system, but this update is often not completed with one click.
Updates usually have side effects, incompatibility, and cause malfunctions on the site, so updating more often requires a specialist.
But what happens if we do not update the content management system or site plugins. Hackers are always looking for a way to break into websites. So they look for these holes in the codes of content management systems and plugins installed in it.
But on the other hand, software security activists warn the users of these products by identifying these holes and by providing a new version that solves this security problem or the functionality in it, they protect many sites from harm. . Therefore, updating the plugin section and content management system is a permanent and important thing.
Spams are another problem that most sites face. Usually, this problem occurs because of plugins. Spam can be very costly for a site. Because Internet browsers such as Chrome, when the user enters a site, they warn the user if there is a security problem or spam, and most likely the user does not trust the site and leaves the site.
So your site will lose valuable visitors and trust. More importantly, when Google search engine detects a site containing spam or an insecure site, it lowers its rank on the search results page because it is not safe. Even the insecurity of a site can remove that site from the list of search results.
On the other hand, the performance quality of sites may change over time. This issue can happen for various reasons. For example, using a low-quality shared host, increasing traffic and site users, or the presence of a code or plugin can weaken the speed and performance of the site. It is at this time that the site needs to be checked, diagnosed and treated by a web specialist.
Attacks by hackers that we at Alphabet have experience dealing with. It is not a very common problem, but sometimes it arises for various reasons. For example, a DDOS attack that sends various requests to the site’s server, and since the host and server are limited in responding to the number of requests and visitors, with the increase of these fake requests or attacks, the server loses its ability to provide services. As a result, the site is out of service.
At this time, the site needs a web security expert to be able to limit or completely stop hacker attacks, so that the site can continue serving customers.
Website design is done once and within a short period of time, while website support should be done over time. Website maintenance is just as important as website design, so when choosing a website design company, consider both the quality of the designed projects and the quality of WordPress website support.
Introducing 10 free tools for site management and support
You may think that site support and management will be a very difficult task, in this article we would like to introduce 10 free site management and support tools and the features of these tools. Let us introduce you.
- google analytics:
One of the most important and effective site management and support tools is Google’s analytics tool. This super professional tool will help you a lot to find out all the statistics and figures you need from the site.
- gtmetrix :
You can easily measure the speed of your site with Google and Yahoo standards with the help of the GT Metrics tool and see the errors in your site, and report these errors in the form of Prepare PDF and take action to eliminate these errors. If you think that your site does not have the required speed, we suggest you to use the GT Metrics tool to quickly find your site’s errors and optimize your site’s speed.
- alexa :
Alexa site ranks all the sites in the world based on parameters and standards and gives them national and global points. You should know that the lower your site’s rank in Alexa is, the better, and if your site’s rank is very high, it might not be bad to do a little activity on your site to increase its visits.
- google url shortener:
Perhaps it has happened to you many times that you want to share the address of a page of your site with someone or on social networks, but pay attention to this matter. This address is too long or if the name of your article or page is Farsi, after copying your address it will turn into strange characters.
We suggest Google link shortener to solve this problem. This wonderful tool is another service from Google that you can use to shorten your links and track your link after sharing it and see how many clicks it has.
- sendpulse :
This tool is one of the best tools for site support that the admin can focus on. It provides facilities such as push notification, email and smtp that You can easily create stronger marketing on your site by using these features and expand the scope of your ads to the browsers of your site users.
- google trends:
Google Trends is another super professional Google tool that you can use to obtain valuable statistics on various topics. Therefore, you can use this tool to find better and more sought-after keywords and compare the search rate of words with each other.
- Search Console:
One of the best tools in website support is Google’s search console tool, another wonderful tool that helps you a lot in managing your site. If we want to put it more simply, the console search tool is your connection bridge with the Google search engine
- materialpalette :
If you do not know well what colors to use where on your site, we suggest you to enter this site and work with its interesting palette to See how much easier this site makes choosing a color.
crisp. 9:
If you want to set up an online chat system to support your site, the crisp site can provide you with these conditions, you only need to register on this site. And install your online chat service on your site so that it is easier to convert your site visitors into customers.
- ahrefs:
If you want to get some information from your competitors’ site, be sure to enter the ahrefs site and use this wonderful service.